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About Elsoms

Elsoms Seeds is the UK’s leading independent seed specialist and plant breeder. We breed, supply and treat high quality vegetable and agricultural seed throughout the UK, using the latest in plant breeding research and seed technology.

At Elsoms we are passionate about seeds. Throughout the long history of the company, the professionalism and teamwork of our specialist staff has ensured that Elsoms always provide excellent service. We also work alongside top UK plant research institutions and our partners, enabling us to adapt and fulfil the changing demands of customers.


As the UK’s leading seed specialist, we are continually fighting disease and other issues facing growers. With our own plant breeding programmes and seed treatment facilities, we can provide our customers with the best possible products.

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Our Specialist Team

Across our four key business activities – vegetable seed, agricultural seed, seed treatment and breeding – our experienced staff provide suppliers and customers with a high level of expertise and support for which Elsoms have become renowned.

Meet the Team

Our History

Established in 1844, Elsoms has remained an independent family owned business throughout its history. Elsoms continues to develop as the leading plant breeding specialist and trusted supplier of top quality seed in the UK.

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Our Partners

We work closely with a wide range of major UK and international companies. Elsoms’ reputation for professionalism ensures we maintain our valued, long-term partnerships to continue benefitting our customers.