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Bejo introduces improved coating and new colour for organic seed

Bejo‘s work on developing an improved coating for its organic seed was done with the aim of making it clearly distinguishable from the non-chemically treated seed. Launched in September, the new organic coating will be more yellow, while the non-chemically treated seed coating will remain white.

In line with its conventional seed, Bejo will transition both the new yellow organic coating and the white non-chemically treated coating to our new sustainable coating recipe. This is made of natural materials that decompose completely. It also has a shorter drying time, which helps to preserve the seed’s vitality and cuts energy use. The new coating is approved by the organic certification bodies. 

To make this transition Bejo have invested in new coating machinery. The coating reacts slightly differently per crop, so extensive testing was carried out on the right machine settings to achieve the correct results and to deliver the desired Bejo quality.

This process is carefully and successfully executed in close collaboration with Bejo’s research department and suppliers. 

The production of organic seeds with the new coating will start in September 2020. During the phaseout period, customers may receive organic seed with a white or yellowish coating until December 2022.

The advantage of seed coating in general is that it ensures a smoother seed surface and less dust development from the seed, resulting in improved sowability. A coloured coating also makes the seed more visible in the soil.Bejo organic seed and non-chemically treated seed are both premium-quality products. These seeds have undergone highly advanced cleaning, sizing and physical treatment processes. They provide growers with the best starting material for cultivating healthy crops in a sustainable way and ensure reliable harvests.

For more information, contact Elsoms’ Organics Crop Manager, Stephanie Beavis here.