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Agricultural Seed Suppliers

Our large portfolio of arable crops offers an extensive choice to UK farmers of competitive varieties of cereals, oilseeds and pulses.


Saaten Union has strong barley plant breeding programmes, producing a wide range of varieties, two row, six row, feed, malting, winter and spring, which are successfully marketed across Europe. In addition to this, the company's Hybrid Barley programme has produced varieties that are shortly to be released into the market.

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Winter Barley


Buccaneer is the go-to winter malting barley due to its malting performance and incredibly strong agronomics, with malting contracts available. Spread your harvest window and spread your risk, Buccaneer’s early maturity takes the pressure off your spring barley reliability, particularly in the East and North. Buccaneer is the highest yielding winter malting barley on the market (6% improvement over competitor) with a strong disease resistance package.

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  • Treated Yield 99% (6% higher than leading competitor)
  • Interest from maltsters and brewers, due to high grain quality. Contracts available
  • Untreated Yield 87% (7% higher than Craft)


Bolton is an impressive 2-row winter feed barley that yields on comparison with most 6-row hybrids, standing exceptionally well in both treated and untreated trials.

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  • Very high yielding
  • Good specific weight
  • Excellent net blotch resistance