Our large portfolio of arable crops offers an extensive choice to UK farmers of competitive varieties of cereals, oilseeds and pulses.
Fodder Beet Seeds
Ideal for the UK’s unique maritime and highly variable climate, our fodder beet produces a consistent, reliable output. Regarded by many as potentially the highest yielding forage crop, fodder beet has a robust and durable growth habit, combined with good resistance to disease, excellent ground cover, a broad drilling window and very long harvesting period. As a feed, fodder beet is highly palatable and can be grazed in situ or lifted, stored and then fed whole or chopped. Elsoms works in partnership with French plant breeding company, Florimond Desprez, to test and develop new varieties of fodder beet through an extensive breeding and trialling programme in Lincolnshire and Northern France.
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Speak to our specialists:
Toby Reich
Head of Agriculture
George Goodwin
Head of Technical (Agriculture)
Or get in touch with another member of the agricultural sales team