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Agricultural Seed Suppliers

Our large portfolio of arable crops offers an extensive choice to UK farmers of competitive varieties of cereals, oilseeds and pulses.

Fodder Beet

Ideal for the UK’s unique maritime and highly variable climate, our fodder beet produces a consistent, reliable output. Regarded by many as potentially the highest yielding forage crop, fodder beet has a robust and durable growth habit, combined with good resistance to disease, excellent ground cover, a broad drilling window and very long harvesting period. As a feed, fodder beet is highly palatable and can be grazed in situ or lifted, stored and then fed whole or chopped. Elsoms works in partnership with French plant breeding company, Florimond Desprez, to test and develop new varieties of fodder beet through an extensive breeding and trialling programme in Lincolnshire and Northern France.

Select a variety category:

Fodder Beet (All)

Brunium (NEW)

A NEW fodder beet variety, commercially available in 2021. Brumium presents all the benefits of Jamon improved. This variety provides a high energy feed which suits any farming system. With a conical shape and good root growth out if the ground, the variety is highly practical.

Further Info

Brunium (NEW)

  • Rhizomania tolerant
  • Soft and palletable, ideal for grazing in situ
  • High proportion of beet above ground
  • All the qualities of Jamon improved

Lempa (NEW)

A NEW fodder beet variety, high yield, and a versatile choice. Lempa presents a medium dry matter %. This variety is the highest yielding in Elsoms own 2021 trials, with a clean lift and a smooth rose skin.

Further Info

Lempa (NEW)

  • Rhizomania Tolerant
  • High Yields
  • Versatile Variety


Tried and tested for many years here in the UK, Jamon is a very popular, very versatile variety. It presents a clean orange skin which remains recognisable across the UK. Jamon is suitable for a wide range of farming system, from grazing in situ, to lifted and clamping and feeding in a mix, this variety has multiple reasons why it has been drilled across the UK for many years.

Further Info


  • Excellent all-round variety
  • Consistently high root yields
  • Very palatable


Large percentage of growth out of the ground with a low dry matter content. Monro, identifiable by its clean red skin presents a low dry matter % of around 12% making it ideal for grazing in situ and efficient when feeding to young stock.

Further Info


  • Low dry matter percentage
  • Very high fresh yields


A high yielding, high dry matter variety. This variety is highly palatable when fed in a mix. Cagnotte presents characteristics ideal for harvesting with a sugar beet lifter, with a high dry matter that extends the harvesting window for growers. With a low dirt tare and easy lift, this variety stores efficiently and presents a highly paletable feed for sheep and cattle.

Further Info


  • High dry matter
  • Rhizomania tolerant
  • Good percentage of root out of the ground


A large white beet for high fresh weight and an easy lift. Viridis, presents a high dry matter. This variety is tried and tested here in the UK and suits being lifted on farm. This variety also has the potential to be used as an energy beet.

Further Info


  • Very high dry matter
  • Excellent disease resistance
  • Potential for use as an energy beet